Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wuhan 46 arrive safely

We were hoping to have the students themselves posting tonight, but problems with the internet at the hotel is keeping many of them from simply emailing their family and friends back in China, and that is the important task right now, to let everyone know that all are safe and well here in the States, despite Wuhan-like heat and of course, jet lag.

But we had a great first day and the students were troopers, who took a campus tour this morning, had lunch at the cafeteria on the campus, and then enjoyed some relaxation, sports, and swimming at the Recreation facility this afternoon.  We ended the day with a trip to the movies and some small shopping and eating adventures before going back to the hotel.  All in all, a good first day, and hopefully some of the students will be here tomorrow with more specific words, memories, and reflections, along with stories and photos of the long trip from China (via Korea)!

Good night, friends, it's already tomorrow.  Know that we are happy and well here in America after a full first day in Columbus.


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